LAM DONG: Coffee of international stature
When referring to Lam Dong coffee, Cau Dat Arabica coffee with the sweet flavor of chocolate and caramel is the first thing jumping in our minds. It is the favorite coffee of several famous brands.
Favorable natural conditions
Lam Dong has mountainous and plateau terrain with an average altitude of 800 - 1,000 m above sea level. Thanks to the tropical climate with distinct dry and rainy seasons, the weather here is mild and cool all year round with an average temperature of 18-25 degrees Celcius. In particular, heavy rainfall with high humidity (85% - 87%) and fertile basaltic soil create favorable conditions for coffee plants.
Lam Dong has the second-largest coffee cultivated area in the country. The whole province has 172,000 hectares of coffee land, generating 515,000 tons of output per year. Coffee farming localities are Di Linh district, Lam Ha district, Bao Lam district, Duc Trong district, Da Lat City, and Lac Duong district. These regions are developing coffee production areas certified by UTZ, 4C, Rainforest - accounting for about 50-60% of the total area, to increase productivity and price.
Cau Dat Arabica Coffee
Cau Dat has 3 favorable conditions for Arabica coffee growth, including a perfect geographical location with elevation of 1450-1650 m above sea level, tropical climate, and fertile basaltic red soil. In particular, the coffee is grown in this place rarely gets diseases and is capable of thriving. The three famous coffees of this region are Typica, Bourbon, and Catimor. Taking advantage of the golden perks in coffee cultivation, people here have used 86% of the land to grow this industrial crop. Fresh coffee production per hectare of land is 10–18 tons, equivalent to 4 tons of coffee beans.
Cau Dat coffee flavor is a blend of mild acidity and bitterness, bringing a sweet aftertaste to the enjoyers. It is similar to the fresh and light taste of the early morning.
Development orientation of Lam Dong coffee
Lam Dong province pays special attention to the development of coffee production and processing. They have implemented coffee production planning for years to synchronize and focus on product quality.
They make efforts to stabilize the coffee acreage within 170,000 hectares with 18-20% of Arabica coffee cultivation. The expected yield is 3.6 tons/ha with a total output of 530,000 - 550,000 tons. Therefore, they can maintain the leading position in the country in terms of coffee output. Also, the province sets a quality target with over 90% of coffee output satisfying export standards.
Lam Dong province offers intensive cultivating techniques to develop more specialized coffee-growing areas with international standards, support farmers, and encourage businesses to invest in technology. They also participate in expanding international cooperation to promote coffee products and attract foreign investment.